Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008 Crafty Resolutions!

Its that time of year again, time for those pesky resolutions. But I'm not talking about losing weight/stopping bad habits/starting good habits types of resolutions. No, those are just way to hard to keep. I'm talking about the truly important resolutions - Crafty Resolutions!

Anyone who reads my blog (all what, 4 of you? ;D) has probably read about my crafty resolutions for 2007 and know that I didn't do so well. But that's okay, I'm cool with that. It has helped me to come up with a better list of goals for 2008. I've learned I must be a bit more vague about my goals, less pressure to actually complete something tangible that way. ;P That and I'm only going to list the beading/jewelry making resolutions here. If you want to read some of my other crafty resolutions, go and check out my Crafting Under a Cactus blog (link is off to the right there).

So, here they are, in no particular order. Drum roll please!

Beaded Desert's Beading/Jewelry Making Resolutions for 2008

  • Experiment with PMC and make one small item
  • Spiral rope using one of those great lampwork focal beads I bought off Etsy
  • Experiment with wire rings
  • Learn one complex beading stitch (tubular peyote, herringbone, weaves, etc)
  • Complete one piece using the stitch above
  • Complete one bead crochet piece (now that I know how to do this)
  • Experiment with resin
  • Experiment more with metals (cold connections/soldering, actually finishing something...)
  • Buy more delicas!! (that one shouldn't be too hard, eh?)
  • Experiment more with wire pieces
  • Get a total of 10 pieces listed on my Etsy site by the end of the year
  • Work on a holiday line beginning in August

See, most are pretty vague, lots of experimenting I want to do without the pressure to actually complete a whole piece. We'll see how I do.

Thanks for reading and happy beading!

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