Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Week of August 5th-11th, 2007: What Have I Been Up To?

Well, I've been slacking again on posting. I was pretty busy last month with work and RESCUE and really didn't do much jewelry making. Therefore, I had nothing of real interest to post about here. I suppose I could have bored you with something, but I decided to spare you.

Anywho, I'm getting back into the beading swing of things, and I have a few pictures to share.

I've been participating in a number of crafty swaps over at Swap-Bot, and a few have actually been jewelry and bead related. One was to make your partner jewerly using hemp, so I made these for my partner:

Hemp Choker - Turquoise Shells (Sent)

(I didn't have a model handy, so I had a bowl stand in for one ;D)

Hemp Bracelet - Green Beads (Sent)

It was fun to dig out the hemp spools and do some knot work again, even if it was just really basic.

I'm coordinating a handmade earring swap. Its closed now, I meant to post here while it was still open, but alas, I've been in La-La land. But I'm planning to coordinate some more on there, we have a number of beady gals, and I'll be sure to post the links here. I'm still working on the earrings for my partners for that swap, but I'll post those when I've completed them.

And I joined one more earring swap. This one had a specific theme to it, the color brown. I had recently learned to make leafy fringe using all seed beads (for both the vines and the leaves). But I wasn't overly thrilled with how the leaves looked. So I decided "Hey, why couldn't I replace the beaded leaves with leaf beads?" (Say that three times fast....) And here is what I came up with, I call it Autumn Foliage:

Handmade Earrings - Brown (Sent)

Hope you enjoyed. Look for more pictures and updates in the coming weeks (no really, I mean it).

Thanks for reading and happy beading!


Miachelle said...

I really like the first bracelet, and the leaf earrings. Great stuff!

KnotGypsy said...

Love those vine & leaf earrings. Improvisation is the way to go!